34th NEW YEAR ROCK FESTIVAL in Shanghai 2006-2007


Now, what ROCK can do!! LOVE&PEACE STOP NUKES!
Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, New York Holding simultaneously

Message from Yuya UCHIDA

Now, what ROCK can do!
Stop Nukes!

It past 26 years from John Lennon was shot in New York!
It past 34 years from “New Year Rock Festival” started!...
It past 5 years from 9.11!
I’m now shocked in New York!!
In 1968, when I came to New York for the first time, everything attacked me with great impact and I was nearly knocked out! After that, I gradually began to improve myself.
* I produced “World Rock Festival” in Japan. And I promoted “Jeff Beck & New York Dolls”.
?When I interviewed with Yoko Ono, I met John Lennon, which was my first meeting with him after ‘the Beatles’ had visited Japan in 1966. I was strongly influenced by their way of life and thoughts then.
One day, when I was drunk, Yoko said, “You do nothing as an artist. John said so, too.” It was heavy straight punch for me.
* I challenged by my idea for making commercial film an art. I swam Hudson River in the formal tie and jacket toward the dream. My background there was exactly “World Trade Center.”
* I challenged scenario writing, the leading and filmmaking for “No More Comics!”
Though this movie was almost neglected in my home country Japan, we have got standing ovation in Cannes Film Festival more than 10 times amazingly!
“No More Comics!” went around the world, London, Montreal and to New York! It was presented at Lincoln plaza for more than one month!
It was featured in “New York Times” Sunday version’s lead story twice and also screened at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Yoko Ono, photographer Bob Gruen and their friends came to watch my movie secretly.
At that time I felt I could have returned my left Jab to her.
* After that “9.11”. First time I stood on the “Ground Zero” and I came to “Imagine” at Central Park, and “Dakota apartment” where John Lennon was shot….I puked just mineral water!!
“Black Friday”, Times Square and Fifth Avenue were crowded with the “Christmas shopping” people.
I watched “Hudson River” and I strongly decided to do 34th anniversary “NEW YEAR ROCK FESTIVAL” with the slogan of “LOVE & PEACE! STOP NUKES!” I will link four countries Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, and New York…
A crazy Japanese Rocker YUYA UCHIDA! I have at least 10 % sense of justice!!
“I THANK YOU” for everybody who has supported us.

Yuya Uchida

Uchida Yuya official site (Japanese only)

Uchida Yuya International (English only)